Swedish is a Germanic language and as such closely related to e.g. English and German. Speaking a Germanic language is a great start to mastering Swedish. The good news is, the Swedish grammar has, to a greater extent than English and German, been simplified a lot during the centuries. Saying this does not mean learning Swedish is a stroll in a park, but many of my students found and still find, it is not overwhelmingly difficult.

Online Language Courses

Speaking Swedish living and working in Sweden, is essential unless you work in an environment where the company official language is English. Swedes are in general very good at English, but it is a question of what generation you encounter. Also, take into account that many immigrants do not speak a word of English.

If you are planning to start a new life in Sweden or already are here, learning Swedish is more or less a must.

I offer one-to-one/or small groups online courses via Skype or Messenger. Not only are you able to keep working simultaneously and/or raise a family but you also have everything you need in your computer or tablet. You can record the lessons and review later. An online language course (one-to-one or a smaller group) is easily customized and to meet each individual’s / group’s needs.

I had the pleasure to take Swedish classes with Maria for about two years. Apart from being an excellent language teacher, she taught me a lot about Swedish customs, art and way of living.

Amgad Agazi
Work environment engineer Egypt

”Maria is a dedicated teacher, very dynamic and concerned with the evolution of her students and clients. Besides the great knowledge of grammar, she also taught us about Swedish culture and habit.”

Elisa Sartirana
Physiotherapist Italy

”I had the pleasure to be a student of Maria Her unique methods of teaching and her rich practical experience made it an exceptionally educative a rewarding teaching experience.”

Juliana Signorelli
Architect Brazil